Many people want to generate their own leads. There are several advantages with generating your own leads and there are also disadvantages,
If you generate your own leads and give a collateral piece it can be very effective if done right. Many people try doing it and spend tones of money and get very little results. Other people learn the skills on how to generate their own leads with collateral marketing material and are able to sponsor 5, 10 and even 20 people a month.
If you are going to generate your own leads, you will probably also want a Return on Investment sooner than later. Really the best way to learn how to generate your own leads is by learning how to prospect first. There are less expensive ways to prospect and learn the skill so once you earn money you can invest in collateral marketing.
If you are serious about building your business by design rather than by chance, then look through these audios. Take your time and review this link and on a piece of paper write down three audios and explain how it can help you move forward with your business. Next contact me and I will share with you four things you will need to know so you can succeed with generating your own leads and be able to move forward with your business. Live Training Audios
If you want to have your own collection of collateral training CD's clink on Collateral Marketing - The Definitive Course.
If you even want greater results with your Collateral Marketing you will want to learn how to effectively prospect. Click on this Link so you can learn How To Turn Cold Leads Into Hot Prospects.
Monica Fisher
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