Monday, June 16, 2008

Real Network Marketing Case Studies Cut Through Success Hype

Leaders Club recently introduced their online store for network marketing training courses and live network marketing clinics.

One of the features that really got me excited was that Leaders Club members automatically earn anywhere from 25% to 45% in retail affiliate commission per sale. That's a nice add-on to monthly residuals from membership sales and gives members even more options to generate income and prospects.

What makes Leaders Club courses different from other network marketing training courses out there is that Leaders Club does actual network marketing research. They test every conceivable approach and then publish the data to members.

A great example of this can be found on the page for the course "How To Turn Cold Leads Into Hot Prospects" where there are 4 case studies of marketers who applied the principles in the course to gain big financial gains.

In one case, a marketer was following the advice of the traffic guru's only to spend close to $1000 a month in PPC ads. "How To Turn Cold Leads Into Hot Prospects" helped this marketer cut their ad budget by 75% while more than doubling the number of leads generated. This isn't like the usual hard to believe vague testimonials found elsewhere. These case studies have real numbers, facts and events.

Pretty awesome stuff you don't want to be with out if you are in network marketing. Check it out at:

Wishing you the best of success,

Monica Fisher

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Listening to prospects

One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is they don’t listen to their prospects. It is essential to listen to prospects. We have to be on the same page with them. Just because we get an answer from the prospect doesn’t mean they qualify for our business. We need to find out if the prospect has something they want to fix, avoid or accomplish in their life and do they have a real deep desire to change their situation.

If they don’t have that deep desire then maybe Network Marketing isn’t for them. Maybe they just need to find a better job or maybe they need to take a vacation. The only way you know this is by really listening to the prospects.

Listening to the prospects not only comes by what they say it is how they say things and we also have to listen to what is not said. Once we listen and clarify what the prospects wants and we know we are on the same page with them, we can go identify if we can be a service to them.

Leaders Club has many great audios that will go into more details on how important it is to listen to a prospect so you can build credibility with them. One of the audios they provide to members only is called, “Engaging Your Prospect In Their Comfort Zone.”
If you want to see more audios that can give you the skills to get better results with your prospecting click on this link

Wishing you the best of success,

Monica Fisher