Thursday, March 27, 2008

Momentum with Network Marketing

In order to move forward with our business we need to have a positive momentum to contact prospects on a daily basis. We contact prospects and we can get a lot of responses from the prospects and sometimes we aren't able to reach the prospect.

There are three steps in order to keep our positive momentum. The first step we need to know is our objective for dialing the prospects. Our objective should always be the same recruit business builders that will recruit business builders. The second step is primary want; we always need to keep our primary want in the forefront when we contact prospects to keep us moving forward with our business. Finally the third step is attitude. We need to keep control over our attitude as we prospect.

Attitude is the big one because prospects can pick up on our attitudes. There are many ways the call can go as we prospect.

First way is we can a voice message. If we get a voice message we leave a voice message and leave our names and telephone numbers and talk very slowly and politely and always follow-up with an email.

The second way we reach a prospect is by a gatekeeper. The gatekeeper wants to ask us questions before we reach the prospect. We always want to be polite to the gatekeeper, however keep the prospects privacy.

Another way is by a greeter. A greeter is great because they are answering the phone however; never expect them to give a message. If you have a greeter and you are polite to them they will give you some information on the prospect. You don’t want to drill them though and write the information on your notes and leave the prospect a message after you spoke with the greeter.

Finally you may speak to a surrogate or a proxy. A Surrogate or Proxy can be the person that is going to help invest in the prospects business. They aren’t doing the business however; they are putting down the money so the prospect can earn a Return on Investment sooner then later. Many surrogates and/or proxies are the prospects spouses. We always want to be polite to them and we want to send an email right after leaving a message. Once we contact the prospect we may want to do bring the proxy or surrogate in so they can have the information to make a good decision with their investment.

It doesn’t matter who we speak with we need to always remain professional and in control over the conversation. We need to have a good attitude. If we reach the prospect themselves sometimes they are hesitant and that is ok. We want to reassure them that we are on their side and calling them because they requested information in starting and/or building a profitable home-base business.

If the prospect is rude then we can make a decision whether we want to work with them or not. It may be easier to delete them from our data base if they are too rude. We need to keep our momentum and quickly dial the next call. If we spend too much time with the prospects that are negative we may stop dialing because we lose our momentum and never move forward with our business.

As we dial prospects we always have to go by what we do know. We do know they requested the information and we do know our objective, primary want and our attitude. As we speak with the prospect we have to go by what we do know not by what we don’t know. It is ok to ask someone how you know what your saying is true. However, you don’t want to get side tracked and lose what you do know.

Good article to read on how to get a postive attitude.

Wishing you the best of success,

Monica Fisher

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where should I go to get my leads?

Where should I get my leads? That is a question many of us have as we start prospecting by the phone. There are many lead generation companies and how do you know which one to go so you can get the best results for your business.

The best lead is a lead that you have contacted and turned that Cold Lead into a Hot Prospect. How do you do turn a Cold Lead into Hot Prospect? In order to do this it takes a skill. We have to know who is are target market. Once we know who are target market is we have to know how to reach that market so we can be a blessing to them and not a curse.

People will respect you more if you really listen to what the prospect has to share with you. They know if you are listening if you clarify what they are sharing with you. Once you really understand where the prospect is coming from then you can see if you have a resource that can be a solution to their problem. If we don't it is best to share it with the prospect.

We need to end each call with a final close. We need to know if it is a permentant disqualification or a temporary disqualification. Qualification is does the prospect have a geniune interest, deep desire time and or money. We need to spend our time with the people who really want and need the resources and is willing to do their part to receive the information. to receive your own Free Weekly Newsletter! It will let you know what it REALLY takes to succeed in ANY Network Marketing Business!

Wishing you the best of success,

Monica Fisher